BP 16: Systems Biophysics
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 11:15–13:00, BAR 0106
11:15 |
BP 16.1 |
Systems biophysics of bacterial response to cell wall-targeting antibiotics — Rebecca Brouwers, Sharareh Tavaddod, Leonardo Mancini, Jacob Biboy, Elizabeth Tatham, Pietro Cicuta, Waldemar Vollmer, and •Rosalind Allen
11:45 |
BP 16.2 |
Cell size distribution: an analytical comparison between lineage and population experiments — •Arthur Genthon
12:00 |
BP 16.3 |
Tuning pattern formation of E. coli Min proteins in vivo — Ziyuan Ren, •Henrik Weyer, Laeschkir Würthner, Erwin Frey, and Suckjoon Jun
12:15 |
BP 16.4 |
Stochastic dynamics of cell shape during cellular state transitions — •Wolfram Pönisch, Iskra Yanakieva, Aki Stubb, Guillaume Salbreux, and Ewa Paluch
12:30 |
BP 16.5 |
Sensitivity of Boolean attractors to small network changes and implications for the inference of microbial interaction networks — •Jyoti Jyoti and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
12:45 |
BP 16.6 |
Information storage allows for optimal adaptation in chemical signalling networks out-of-equilibrium — •Daniel Maria Busiello and Giorgio Nicoletti