SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 17: Protein Structure and Dynamics
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 15:00–17:30, BAR 0106
15:00 |
BP 17.1 |
Computational Approaches to Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Partially Disordered RS-Proteins — •Yannick Witzky, Stephan Hobe, Andreas Wachter, Arash Nikoubashman, and Friederike Schmid
15:15 |
BP 17.2 |
Key Role of the Solvent in Driving Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation — •Ellen Adams, Jonas Ahlers, Verian Bader, Simone Pezzotti, Konstanze Winkhofer, Jörg Tatzelt, and Martina Havenith
15:30 |
BP 17.3 |
Local structure and dynamics of water molecules in FUS protein molecular condensates. — Daniel Chavez Rojas, •Joseph Rudzinski, and Martin Girard
15:45 |
BP 17.4 |
Structural dynamics of the intrinsically disordered SNARE proteins at the membrane interface: Recent insights by NMR spectroscopy — Tobias Stief, Mirko Kraus, Katharina Vormann, Reinhard Jahn, Angel Perez-Lara, and •Nils-Alexander Lakomek
16:00 |
BP 17.5 |
Single-chain and condensed-state behavior of intrinsically disordered nuclear proteins in bulk and confinement — •Janka Bauer, Lukas Stelzl, Dorothee Dormann, and Arash Nikoubashman
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
BP 17.6 |
Efficiency and selectivity in the self-assembly of SAS-6 rings on a surface — •Santiago Gomez Melo, Dennis Wörthmüller, Pierre Gönczy, Niccolo Banterle, and Ulrich Schwarz
16:45 |
BP 17.7 |
Alphafold predicts the most complex protein knot and composite protein knots — Maarten Brems, Robert Runkel, Todd Yeates, and •Peter Virnau
17:00 |
BP 17.8 |
Multi-state Unfolding Processes: Discrimination of protein domains by urea-induced thermal shift — •Ji Young Yang, Oliver Burkert, Boris Mizaikoff, and Jens Smiatek
17:15 |
BP 17.9 |
X-ray damage to Gene-V Protein: NAP-XPS analysis of Chemical changes to Proteins in Water — •Dorothea C Hallier, Jörg Radnik, Paul M Dietrich, Harald Seitz, and Marc Benjamin Hahn