09:30 |
BP 24.1 |
Acoustically propelled nano- and microparticles: From fundamentals to applications — •Raphael Wittkowski
10:00 |
BP 24.2 |
Force on probe in a confined active fluid — Shuvojit Paul, •Ashreya Jayaram, N Narinder, Thomas Speck, and Clemens Bechinger
10:15 |
BP 24.3 |
Symmetry-breaking refractive index profiles as a propulsion mechanism for active Brownian particles — •Julian Jeggle, Matthias Rüschenbaum, Cornelia Denz, and Raphael Wittkowski
10:30 |
BP 24.4 |
The interaction-expansion method: a systematic derivation strategy for active field theories⋆ — •Michael te Vrugt, Jens Bickmann, Stephan Bröker, Tobias Frohoff-Hülsmann, Eyal Heifetz, Michael E. Cates, Uwe Thiele, and Raphael Wittkowski
10:45 |
BP 24.5 |
Structure and Dynamics of Active Polymer — •Sunil Pratap Singh
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
BP 24.6 |
Phase transitions in multicomponent active matter: a quantitative kinetic theory — •Jakob Mihatsch, Thomas Ihle, Rüdiger Kürsten, and Horst-Holger Boltz
11:30 |
BP 24.7 |
Emergent collective behaviour due to virtual interactions between robotic swimmers — •Samudrajit Thapa, Bat-El Pinchasik, and Yair Shokef
11:45 |
BP 24.8 |
Kinetic Event-Chain Algorithm for Active Matter — •Nico Schaffrath, Thevashangar Sathiyanesan, Tobias Kampmann, and Jan Kierfeld
12:00 |
BP 24.9 |
Emergent pattern formation in communicating active matter — •Robert Großmann, Zahra Mokhtari, Robert I.A. Patterson, and Felix Höfling
12:15 |
BP 24.10 |
Binary Mixture of Deforming Particles — •Yiwei Zhang, Alessandro Manacorda, and Etienne Fodor
12:30 |
BP 24.11 |
Self-organization of model catalytic cycles — •Vincent Ouazan-Reboul, Jaime Agudo-Canalejo, and Ramin Golestanian
12:45 |
BP 24.12 |
Reentrant condensation transition in a model of driven scalar active matter with diffusivity edge — Berx Jonas, •Bose Aritra, Mahault Benoit, and Golestanian Ramin