SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 25: Cell Mechanics II
BP 25.6: Talk
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 16:30–16:45, BAR Schö
Unraveling the light activation of flagellar adhesiveness in Chlamydomonas — •Rodrigo Catalan1,2, Antoine Girot1,2, Alexandros Fragkopoulos1,2, Simon Kelterborn3, Darius Rauch3, Olga Baidukova3, Peter Hegemann3, and Oliver Bäumchen1,2 — 1Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen, Germany — 2University of Bayreuth, Experimental Physics V, 95447 Bayreuth, Germany — 3Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Biology, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Photoreceptors are essential constituents of photoactive microbes and control several biological processes, such as circadian life cycle, sexual reproduction and phototaxis. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular model organism to study light-activated microbial functionalities, exhibits light-switchable flagellar adhesion to surfaces upon blue-light exposure [Kreis et al., Nature Physics 2018]. Using single-cell micropipette force spectroscopy, we compare the adhesion forces of wild-type (WT) cells and several blue-light photoreceptor-deletion mutants. We find that the wavelength response of flagellar adhesion forces in WT cells resembles the absorption spectrum of plant cryptochrome (pCRY) and animal cryptochrome (aCRY) photoreceptors. We further assess the involvement of pCRY and aCRY photoreceptors in the light-switchable adhesion of C. reinhardtii by means of adsorption experiments [Catalan et al., arXiv:2208.01338] at the population level using photoreceptor-deletion mutants lacking either one or both CRYs.