SKM 2023 –
scientific programme
BP 5: Focus Session NanoAgents
Monday, March 27, 2023, 15:00–17:30, TOE 317
15:00 |
BP 5.1 |
Invited Talk:
Repurposing nucleic acids as high-resolution force sensors: From fundamental mechanotransduction to translational biophysics — •Khalid Salaita
15:30 |
BP 5.2 |
Remodelling DNA filaments for bottom-up synthetic biology — •Maja Illig, Kevin Jahnke, Marlene Scheffold, Hauke Drechsler, Stefan Diez, and Kerstin Göpfrich
15:45 |
BP 5.3 |
Einfluss von Kohlenstoff-Nanoteilchen auf die Funktion von Lysosomen — •Carla Sprengel, Cathrin Nollmann, Lena Berning, Thomas Lenz, Björn Stork und Thomas Heinzel
16:00 |
BP 5.4 |
Aufnahme von Kohlenstoff-Nanopartikeln in humane AML-Zellen im Vergleich zu primären hämatopoetischen Zellen — •Cathrin Nolllmann, Thomas Heinzel und Rainer Haas
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
BP 5.5 |
DNA origami agents for the efficient treatment of solid tumors — •Johann Moritz Weck, Merve-Zeynep Kesici, Cornelia Monzel, and Amelie Heuer-Jungemann
16:45 |
BP 5.6 |
Monitoring the Switching dynamics of Photolipid Membranes with Plasmonic Nanorods — •Jinhua Zhang, Francis Schuknecht, Ludwig Habermann, Alexander Pattis, Stefanie Pritzl, and Theobald Lohmüller
17:00 |
BP 5.7 |
Bio-inspired Magnetic Nanoprobes For Subcellular Manipulation Studies in Single Cells — •Andreas Neusch, Iuliia Novoselova, Liesa Zitzke, Sarah Sadik, Michael Farle, Ulf Wiedwald, and Cornelia Monzel
17:15 |
BP 5.8 |
Precise micro-manipulations via multiplexed feedback-controlled thermoviscous flows — •Elena Erben, Nicola Maghelli, Weida Liao, Antonio Minopoli, Eric Lauga, and Moritz Kreysing