
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik

BP 7: Active Matter II (joint session DY/BP/CPP)

BP 7.4: Talk

Monday, March 27, 2023, 15:45–16:00, ZEU 160

Collective motion in two-dimensional colloidal systems with effective (active) self-propulsion due to time-delayed feedback — •Robin A. Kopp and Sabine H. L. Klapp — ITP, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

In recent years, delayed feedback in colloidal systems has become an active and promising field of study [1,2], key topics being history dependence and the manipulation of transport properties. Here we study the dynamics of a two-dimensional colloidal suspension, subject to time-delayed feedback, where time-delayed feedback can be interpreted as a mechanism of effective self-propulsion, i.e., activity [3]. To this end we perform overdamped Brownian dynamics simulations, where the particles interact through a Weeks-Chandler-Andersen potential. Furthermore, each particle is subject to a Gaussian, repulsive feedback potential, that depends on the difference of the particle position at the current time, and at an earlier time. We observe and quantitatively study the emergence of dynamical clustering and collective motion characterized by a nonzero mean velocity and provide a possible explanation for the underlying mechanism combining single-particle and mean-field-like effects.
[1] S. A. M. Loos, and S. H. L. Klapp, Scientific Reports 9, 2491 (2019)
[2] M. A. Fernandez-Rodriguez et al., Nature Communications 11, 4223 (2020)
[3] R. A. Kopp and S. H. L. Klapp, arXiv:2210.03182 (2022)

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