SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 8: Cell Mechanics I
BP 8.7: Talk
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 11:30–11:45, BAR Schö
How to build muscle? Sarcomeric pattern formation by non-local interactions — •Francine Kolley1,2, Clara Sidor3, Frank Schnorrer3, and Benjamin M. Friedrich1,2 — 1Physics of Life, TU Dresden — 2cfaed, TU Dresden — 3IBDM,Aix Marseille University
Striated muscles drive all voluntary movements and are highly organized in crystal-like structures, comprising different filament types on a micrometer scale. The specific size of a sarcomere is set by the giant protein titin. Titin links the molecular motor myosin in the middle of a sarcomere to the so-called Z-disc, which is rich in actin crosslinkers at the sarcomere boundary. Despite the importance of the repeated structures of theses sarcomeres for muscle functionality, it is poorly understood how they self-assemble during muscles development.To investigate this question, we introduce theoretical models based on putative mechanism. We can show with a minimal Mean-field model that a non-local interaction between the key proteins is sufficient for the emergence of periodic patterns. Agent-based simulations of this model reveal the influence of small-number fluctuations. We can expand this model to include additional properties, such as different myosin bindings or the catch-bond behavior of the Z-disc crosslinker α-actinin. In addition, from analyzing images of the Drosophila flight muscles during early developmental stages, provided by Schnorrer Lab, we are able to identify α-actinin and titin as the first proteins forming periodic patterns with myosin, while actin follows later, constraining possible models.