SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 16: Thermoelectric and Phase Change Materials; Layer Deposition
DS 16.2: Talk
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 11:45–12:00, SCH A 315
Characterization and optimization of MgZnO thin films with steep lateral composition gradient — •Laurenz Thyen, Max Kneiß, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann — Universität Leipzig, Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik, Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
The materials magnesium- and zinc-oxide have been widely investigated in the past. Corresponding step graded ternary alloy thin films of MgxZn1−xO have been of great interest [1]. Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been used to grow laterally and vertically graded thin films [2]. The precise control of chemical composition is of great importance for possible applications. Additionally, in the course of miniaturization of electrical devices like wavelength-selective multi-channel UV photodetectors, a well-defined steep slope of the material gradient will be beneficial [3,4].
In this contribution the properties of MgxZn1−xO thin films with lateral compositional gradient grown by pulsed laser deposition will be discussed. In order to obtain information about the material composition of the thin films, energy-dispersed X-ray spectroscopy, spatially resolved ellipsometry and micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements have been conducted. Moreover, steep lateral gradients with a slope of up to 20 % Mg/mm were realised.
[1] Z. Zhang, et al. IEEE Journal Quantum Elec, 20.6, 106-111, (2014)
[2] H. v. Wenckstern, et al. physica status solidi (b) 257.7 (2020)
[3] M. Grundmann, IEEE Transact. Elec. Dev. 66.1 (2018): 470-477
[4] M. Kneiß, et al. ACS Combinatorial Science 20.11 (2018): 643-652.