SKM 2023 –
scientific programme
DS 3: Organic Thin Films, Organic-Inorganic Interfaces (joint session DS/CPP)
Monday, March 27, 2023, 11:30–12:45, SCH A 315
11:30 |
DS 3.1 |
Thickness dependency of the critical dose for beam-sensitive two-dimensional polymers — •David Mücke, Ute Kaiser, and Haoyuan Qi
11:45 |
DS 3.2 |
Determining Anisotropic Effects in Strongly Coupled Metal Organic Hybrid Structures — •Maximilian Rödel, Jinhong Kim, Matthias Stolte, Luca Nils Philipp, Matthias Lehmann, Frank Würthner, Roland Mitric, and Jens Pflaum
12:00 |
DS 3.3 |
Long-term degradation in Blatter radical derivative thin films — •Ewa Nowik-Boltyk, Tobias Junghöfer, and Maria Benedetta Casu
12:15 |
DS 3.4 |
Controlled Thermal Deposition of Organic Diradicals — •Tobias Junghöfer and Maria Benedetta Casu
12:30 |
DS 3.5 |
Interaction of cyanoacrylate thin films with copper (oxide) in different processing atmospheres — •Philipp Moritz, Oliver Höfft, Lienhard Wegewitz, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs