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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik
DY 29: Wetting, Droplets and Microfluidics (joint session DY/CPP)
DY 29.7: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 11:45–12:00, ZEU 148
3D passive non-mechanical microfluidic valves fabricated using grayscale lithography — •Sebastian Bohm1,3, Hai Binh Phi2,3, Erich Runge1, Lars Dittrich3, and Steffen Strehle2 — 1TU Ilmenau, FG Theoretische Physik I — 2TU Ilmenau, FG Mikrosystemtechnik — 35microns GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau
Passive non-mechanical valves represent a promising method for rectifying flows in micro- or nanofluidic systems [1]. They are very robust due to the absence of mechanical parts, easy to fabricate, and allow the implementation of efficient microfluidic systems such as micropumps [2,3].
However, with existing methods, the fabrication of fully three dimensional (3D) structured geometries is very hard to achieve. Here, a new and easy to implement method for the fabrication of three-dimensional valves is presented: Grayscale lithography followed by a proportional transfer with reactive ion etching is utilized to create 3D diffuser valves in silicon and glass substrates. We show that higher diodicities were achieved with 3D diffuser valves compared to conventional diffuser valves. These experimental findings correspond fit very well to the predictions of our numerical simulations. In combination with highly efficient optimization methods for two-dimensional Tesla valves, the fabrication of even more efficient 3D Tesla valves is hence now within reach.
[1] Bohm, S. et al.; npg Microsystems & Nanoengineering (8), 97 (2022)
[2] Bohm, S. et al.; COMSOL Conference 2020 Europe, 14-15. Oct. 2020 online
[3] Hoffmann, M. et al.; German patent DE112011104467 (2017)