
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 42: Poster: Active Matter, Soft Matter, Fluids

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 13:00–16:00, P1

  13:00 DY 42.1 The contribution has been withdrawn.
13:00 DY 42.2 Dynamics and clustering of active run-and-tumble particles on two-dimensional lattices — •Lars Torbjørn Stutzer and Peter Sollich
13:00 DY 42.3 Pressure in inertial active particle systems with frictional contacts — •Kay-Robert Dormann, Lukas Hecht, and Benno Liebchen
13:00 DY 42.4 Advanced Sampling Methods for Non-Equilibrium Particles — •Thomas Kiechl, Michele Caraglio, and Thomas Franosch
13:00 DY 42.5 Markov state modelling of self-assembling active triblock Janus particles — •Salman Fariz Navas, Juri Schubert, and Sabine H.L. Klapp
13:00 DY 42.6 Dynamics of an active agent subject to orientational resetting — •Yanis Baouche and Christina Kurzthaler
13:00 DY 42.7 Adaptive microvascular remodeling under flowFatemeh Mirzapour-Shafiyi, •Leonie Karr, and Karen Alim
13:00 DY 42.8 Thermodynamics of active matter systems under coarse graining — •Robin Bebon and Thomas Speck
13:00 DY 42.9 The Liquid-Glass-Jamming Rheology of Soft Active Particles — •Roland Wiese, Klaus Kroy, and Demian Levis
13:00 DY 42.10 Wetting of reflecting plates by an Active Brownian fluid — •Matthieu Mangeat, Shauri Chakraborty, Adam Wysocki, and Heiko Rieger
13:00 DY 42.11 Force-free Ratcheting in Static Activity Landscapes — •Constantin Rein, Martin Kolár, Klaus Kroy, and Viktor Holubec
  13:00 DY 42.12 The contribution has been moved to DY 46.11.
13:00 DY 42.13 Glass Transition in Modulated Liquids — •Abolfazl Ahmadirahmat, Michele Caraglio, Vincent Krakoviack, and Thomas Franosch
13:00 DY 42.14 Assembly of iron oxide nanocuboids directed by surface, ligand, and magnetic interactions — •Sindy J. Rodríguez Sotelo, Mario C.G. Paseggi Jr., Carlos García, and Igor Stanković
13:00 DY 42.15 Phase Behaviour of a Minimal Lattice Model with Chiral Interactions — •Boyi Wang, Patrick Pietzonka, and Frank Jülicher
13:00 DY 42.16 Static and dynamical magnetic properties ferrofluid with ellipsoid-like nanoparticles — •Vladimir Zverev, Alla Dobroserdova, Ekaterina Ekaterina, Elena Pyanzina, and Alexey Ivanov
13:00 DY 42.17 Hopping conduction in networks with site energy disorder — •Quinn Emilia Fischer, Marco Bosi, and Philipp Maass
13:00 DY 42.18 Entropy production in active turbulence — •Byjesh Nalini Radhakrishnan, Thomas Schmidt, and Etienne Fodor
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