SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik
DY 43: Poster: Quantum Dynamics and Many-Body Systems
DY 43.2: Poster
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 13:00–16:00, P1
Coupling in Optical Microcavity-Arrays — •Tom Rodemund and Martina Hentschel — Department of Physics, University of Applied Sciences Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Optical microcavities capture light by total internal reflection in so-called whispering-gallery modes. Deformed disk-shaped microcavities, for example of Limaçon shape, allow one to keep high Q-factors while manipulating the far-field emission via the resonator geometry, thereby allowing for a wide range of applications from microlasers to sensors.
Coupling of several microdisk resonators enhances the possibilities to tame light considerably [1]. Depending on the number and distance of the coupled cavities, the far-field characteristics vary tremendously and can even be reversed [1]. Here, we investigate the underlying mechanisms. To this end we use phase-space methods and analyze the resonance wave functions in real space as well as the corresponding Husimi functions to characterize the coupling behavior. We employ ideas from ray-wave correspondence to deepen our insight by establishing a relation to the nonlinear light ray dynamics and its fingerprint in the Poincaré surface of section.
[1] J. Kreismann et al., Phys. Rev. Res. 1, 033171 (2019).