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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik
DY 45: Poster: Nonlinear Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Networks
DY 45.14: Poster
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 13:00–16:00, P1
Fixation probabilities in network structured meta-populations — •Sedigheh Yagoobi1 and Arne Traulsen2 — 1Max-Planck institute for evolutionary biology — 2Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
The effect of population structure on evolutionary dynamics is a long-lasting research topic in evolutionary ecology and population genetics. Evolutionary graph theory is a popular approach to this problem, where individuals are located on the nodes of a network and can replace each other via the links. We study the effect of complex network structure on the fixation probability, but instead of networks of individuals, we model a network of sub-populations with a probability of migration between them. We ask how the structure of such a meta-population and the rate of migration affect the fixation probability. Many of the known results for networks of individuals carry over to meta-populations, in particular for regular networks or low symmetric migration probabilities. However, when patch sizes differ we find interesting deviations between structured meta-populations and networks of individuals. For example, a two patch structure with unequal population size suppresses selection for low migration probabilities.