SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 11: Crystal Structure Defects / Real Structure / Microstructure
KFM 11.3: Talk
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 14:40–15:00, POT 51
Vacancies in Prussian White Cathode Materials employing Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy — •Dominik Boras1, Ida Nielsen2, Alexander Buckel3, Tore Ericsson2, Lennart Häggström2, Torsten E.M. Staab1, and William R. Brant2 — 1Institute for Functional Materials and Biofabrication, Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, 97070 Würzburg, Röntgenring 11 — 2Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 538, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden — 3Altris AB, Kungsgatan 70b, SE-753 18 Uppsala, Sweden
We are presenting a novel attempt to characterise Prussian blue analogues. Prussian White samples have been synthesized with different sodium content and, then, characterized by common methods (ICP-OES, TG, SEM) but also by Mösbauer spectroscopy. We prepared there different sample states: fully and half-sodiated as well as de-sodiated. As a new method positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) has been applied to characterize the different samples states. We can state that the methods of PALS gives reasonable results for Prussian White with varying sodium and water content. The relative intensity of the longer positron lifetime component (405ps) is increasing with deceasing sodium content, which is an indication that the positron "sees" less of the open crystal channels filled by movable ions, since those become more and more occupied by intercalated Na-atoms. This first attempt aims to present the potential of PALS to characterise Prussian Blue analogue materials with respect to defects and occupation of of its crystal channels by movable ions.