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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 6: Poster
KFM 6.28: Poster
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 17:00–19:00, P3
How to employ advanced innovation tools to advance soft X-ray nanolithography — •Andreas Späth — Institut für Nanotechnologie und korrelative Mikroskopie (INAM) gGmbH, 91301 Forchheim, Germany — Physikalische Chemie II, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving is becoming increasingly significant in technical engineering and design. The present work illustrates the potential of its most common tools to advance instrumentation in soft X-ray microscopy and nanolithography. The initial setup designed for Focused X-ray Beam Induced Deposition is analyzed in-depth by function modelling to identify harmful or defective interactions between components. These problematic interactions are tracked back to root causes by cause-effect chain analysis. Root causes are often disguised technical or physical contradictions. TRIZ employs abstract innovation principles to solve such contradictions after they are categorized based on the nature of conflicting parameters. Another approach is to transfer harmful/defective interactions into a substance-field model of the problem that can be addressed by suitable substance-field models of potential solutions. The analysis yielded ideas for a significantly improved FXBID setup. The project benefited from funding by DFG (grant SP 1775/1-1).