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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 11: Non-Skyrmionic Magnetic Textures I
MA 11.5: Vortrag
Montag, 27. März 2023, 16:15–16:30, POT 6
Evaluation of phase images obtained by electron holography for three-dimensional spin-textures — •Moritz Winterott1,2 and Samir Lounis1,2 — 1Peter Grünberg Institut and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich & JARA, D-52425 Jülich, Germany — 2Faculty of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen and CENIDE, 47053 Duisburg, Germany
Three-dimensional (3D) spin-textures, similarly to their 2D counterpart (skyrmions), are attracting widespread interest, especially because of their potential application as magnetic bits for energy-efficient storage devices. Thereby, a major challenge is their identification. Here we focus on electron holography, where phase images are reconstructed in order to recognize 3D spin-textures. The phase image consists of an electronic and a magnetic contribution, with the latter being assumed to emerge from the stray field, and thus should vanish for antiferromagnets, while the former is conjectured to be inert to the magnetic texture. Here we demonstrate that the electronic phase image carries non-trivial magnetic information induced by spin-mixing and spin-orbit mechanisms. We calculate and compare systematically the strength of both electronic and magnetic phase images employing the optimized forward model [1] and a tight-binding scheme combined with multiple-scattering theory. We explore the impact of spin-orbit interaction, exchange splitting and hopping.
[1] J. Caron, Model-Based Reconstruction of Magnetisation Distributions in Nanostructures from Electron Optical Phase Images, PhD thesis, RWTH Aachen Uni. (2017).