SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 2: Skyrmions I
MA 2.6: Talk
Monday, March 27, 2023, 11:15–11:30, HSZ 02
Chemical pressure tuning of a skyrmion lattice with giant topological Hall effect — •Leonie Spitz1,2, Max Hirschberger1, Shang Gao1, Taro Nakajima1,3, Christian Pfleiderer2, Taka-hisa Arima1,4, and Yoshinori Tokura1 — 1RIKEN CEMS, Wakoshi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan — 2Physik-Department, Technical University of Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany — 3Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8581, Japan — 4Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561, Japan
A skyrmion lattice accompanied by a large topological Hall effect was found in the centrosymmetric frustrated triangular lattice magnet Gd2PdSi3 [1]. In contrast to non-centrosymmetric compounds, the skyrmion spin-vortices are not stabilized by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, but rather by exchange frustration and the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction [2,3]. The nanometer-scale size of the skyrmions is a further novelty giving rise to a large emergent magnetic field. We study the effect of isoelectronic doping on Gd2PdSi3 to gain a deeper understanding of the material’s magnetic and electronic properties. Via alloying we manipulate the lattice constants and polytypism of the structure [4]. We report the impact of chemical pressure tuning on the magnetic order and the topological Hall effect.
[1] T. Kurumaji, et al., Science 365, 914-918 (2019) ; [2] T. Okubo, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 017206 (2012) ; [3] A. O. Leonov, et al., Nat. Commun. 6, 8275 (2015) ; [4] L. Spitz, et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 16866-16871 (2022).