SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 24: Molecular Magnetism II
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 09:30–11:00, HSZ 02
09:30 |
MA 24.1 |
Studies of decoherence in strongly anisotropic spin triangles with toroidal or general non-collinear easy axes — Kilian Irländer and •Jürgen Schnack
09:45 |
MA 24.2 |
Electrically driven singlet-triplet transition in triangulene spin-1 chains — Gabriel Martínez-Carracedo, •László Oroszlany, Amador García-Fuente, László Szunyogh, and Jaime Ferrer
10:00 |
MA 24.3 |
Linear magnets: a structure-property-relation for finding unquenched orbital moments — •Anton Jesche
10:15 |
MA 24.4 |
Modelling of saw-tooth chain molecules composed of 3d and 4f ions — •Dennis Westerbeck and Jürgen Schnack
10:30 |
MA 24.5 |
High-field/high-frequency EPR studies on heterometallic 3d-4f-complexes — •Jan Arneth, Changyun Koo, Xiangfeng Li, Annie K. Powell, and Rüdiger Klingeler
10:45 |
MA 24.6 |
AOM-guided Linked Fits for Analysing Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Magnetic Data of 3d-4f Heterometallic M2Ln2 Single-Molecule Magnets — •Julius Mutschler, Thomas Ruppert, Yan Peng, Jacques Ollivier, Quentin Berrod, Jean-Marc Zanotti, Christopher E. Anson, Annie K. Powell, and Oliver Waldmann