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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 11: Functional Materials: Performance, Reliability and Degradation
MM 11.4: Vortrag
Montag, 27. März 2023, 17:45–18:00, SCH A 215
Advantages of oxygen-free wire-arc sprayed titanium coatings — •Maik Szafarska1, Manuel Rodriguez Diaz2, Cornelius Boekhoff1, René Gustus1, Kai Möhwald2, Hans Jürgen Maier2, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs1 — 1TU Clausthal, Clausthal Centre of Material Technology — 2Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Werkstoffkunde
Typically, thermal spraying is carried out in air, with compressed air acting as the cooling agent. However, the application of oxygen-affinitive materials like titanium is heavily influenced by the oxygen content in the atmosphere. Besides the impact on chemical composition, it can negatively influence the wetting behavior of the surface, the residual stress inside the coating and the formation of cracks and defects. Alternatives like cold gas spraying and vacuum plasma spraying grant only slight improvements coupled with an increased difficulty or cost for industrial use. Using silane-doped argon, it is possible to reduce the oxygen partial pressure to extremely low levels well below 10E-23 mbar. This makes application of wire-arc spraying possible for oxygen-affinitive materials like titanium. The titanium coatings feature a significantly reduced porosity caused by improved wetting behavior of titanium particles during the spraying process. Additionally, the coatings show extremely high adhesive tensile strengths compared to coatings formed in air. Discussed topics include particle formation, surface morphology and chemical composition, splat profiles, coating cross sections and interfacial diffusion between titanium coatings with iron-substrates.