SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 21: Materials for Storage and Conversion of Energy: Energy Conversion
MM 21.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 14:30–14:45, SCH A 215
Atomistic simulations of the Seebeck effect in electrolytes — •Ole Nickel1, Mathijs Janssen2, and Robert Meißner1 — 1Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany — 2University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
The Seebeck effect allows electrical energy to be obtained directly from thermal gradients. In electrolytes it is based on an different heat of transport of the ions.
We perform molecular dynamic simulations with different electrolytes between graphene electrodes. We apply an external resistance between the electrodes via a thermopotentiostat, where the thermal fluctuation term is deactivated, effectively resembling an RC-circuit with a time constant of τ=RC.
With this method it is possible to simulate a complete electrochemical cell in open circuit conditions which is charged with a thermal gradient and then discharged at constant temperature. The Seebeck energy is the energy that is dissipated across the external resistance. The goal is to investigate optimal electrolyte parameters to maximize this energy.