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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 23: Poster II
MM 23.11: Poster
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 18:15–20:00, P2/OG1+2
High-resolution measurement of displacement field from gold nanoparticules tracking — •Antoine Ollivier, Nicholas Blanchard, Antonio Pereira, Loïc Vanel, and Döme Tanguy — Institut Lumière Matière-UMR 5306, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 6 rue Ada Byron, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex
A new method has been developped to measure displacement field during a tensile test with both high resolution (∼ 50 nm) and good precision (∼ 1nm). This method has been applied on the reduced activation ferrito-martensitic steel Eurofer97. Gold nanoparticules are created by pulsed-laser induced dewetting of a nanofilm. This technique does not modify the structure of the steel below. Nanoparticules are then observed with a scanning electron microscope during tensile test. Their tracking allows to see displacement field in situ. This method is particularly adapted for locating heterogeneities in the displacement field and it could be very useful to understand how fracture appears.