SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 23: Poster II
MM 23.31: Poster
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 18:15–20:00, P2/OG1+2
Resistometric and dilatometric determination of GP-zone formation and growth — •Fabian Miller, Nikolai Riedmiller, Johannes Berlin, Tobias Stegmüller, and Ferdinand Haider — Universität Augsburg, Institut für Physik, 86135 Augsburg
Aluminium alloys are of crucial importance in today`s economy, therefore the deeper understanding of their mechanical and electrical properties is important. These properties can be influenced by precipitate formation. Both resistometry and dilatometry are simple online methods to monitor changes in the microstructure of a metallic alloy. In this work we focused on natural and artificial aging of Al-Cu system with samples containing 2 - 4 wt.% of Cu. Natural aging depends on quenched in vacancies, so on the quenching conditions. Samples were homogenized at various temperatures and rapidly quenched to ambient temperature. Afterwards measurements with both techniques were conducted during natural and artificial aging. Due to formation of Guinier Preston zones, the resistivity first increases, then slowly decreases, allowing to monitor the unmixing for different temperatures and for different quenching conditions for samples with ternary trace alloying metals than Cu. Dilatometry shows a clear contraction of the samples during GP-zone formation and an expansion, if θ` phase forms.