10:15 |
MM 26.1 |
Grain-boundary segregation effects on bicrystal Cu pillar compression — •Tobias Brink, Mohammed Kamran Bhat, James Best, and Gerhard Dehm
10:30 |
MM 26.2 |
When grains go wild! Tracing microstructural outcomes back to possible mechanisms for abnormal grain growth — •Carl E. Krill III, Elizabeth A. Holm, Jules M. Dake, Ryan Cohn, Karolína Holíková, and Fabian Andorfer
10:45 |
MM 26.3 |
Influence of precipitates during anodization of aluminum alloys studied by TEM at cryogenic temperatures — •Lydia Daum, Stefan Ostendorp, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
11:00 |
MM 26.4 |
Disconnection-mediated migration of interfaces: continuum modeling and applications — •Marco Salvalaglio, Caihao Qui, Jian Han, and David J. Srolovitz
11:15 |
MM 26.5 |
Simulated mechanical deformations on graphene oxide — •Javier Rojas-Nunez, Samuel Baltazar, Eduardo Bringa, and Alejandra Garcia
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
MM 26.6 |
Atomic cluster expansion for Ag-Pd — •Yanyan Liang, Matous Mrovec, Yury Lysogorskiy, and Ralf Drautz
12:00 |
MM 26.7 |
Spin-orbit interactions in plasmonic crystals probed by site-selective cathodoluminescence spectroscopy — Masoud Taleb, •Mohsen Samadi, Fatemeh Davoodi, Maximilian Black, Janek Buhl, Hannes Lüder, Martina Gerken, and Nahid Talebi
12:15 |
MM 26.8 |
Soft and Hard X-ray Circular Dichroism in Valence-Band and Core-Level Momentum Microscopy — •O. Tkach, O. Fedchenko, K. Medjanik, Y. Lytvynenko, S. Babenkov, D. Vasilyev, Q.L. Nguyen, T.P. Vo, T.R.F. Peixoto, A. Gloskovskii, C. Schlueter, M. Hoesch, D. Kutnyakhov, M. Scholz, L. Wenthaus, N. Wind, S. Marotzke, A. Winkelmann, J. Minar, K. Rossnagel, H.-J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense
12:30 |
MM 26.9 |
Direct writing of three-dimensional nano-superconductors — •Elina Zhakina, Markus König, Sebastian Seifert, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco, Paul Simon, Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera, and Claire Donnelly
12:45 |
MM 26.10 |
Influence of a p-n Heterojunction on the Diffusive Transport in Tungsten Trioxide Thin Films — •Jan L. Dornseifer, Markus S. Friedrich, and Peter J. Klar