SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 33: Topical Session: Fundamentals of Fracture – Amorphous Metals
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 15:45–18:00, SCH A 215
15:45 |
MM 33.1 |
In situ measurement of plasticity accompanying Hydrogen induced cracking — Leonel Stermann, Loïc Vanel, and •Döme Tanguy
16:00 |
MM 33.2 |
Liquid metal induced fracture : modelling and supporting experiments — Thierry Auger, Antoine Clement, Marco Ezequiel, •Eva Héripré, Ingrid Serre, Zehoua Hamouche, Julie Bourgon, Eric Leroy, and Maxime Vallet
16:15 |
MM 33.3 |
Microscale fracture behavior of Laves phases in the Mg-Ca-Al ternary alloy system — •Anwesha Kanjilal, Uzair Rehman, James P. Best, and Gerhard Dehm
16:30 |
MM 33.4 |
Fracture mechanics concepts in application to functionally graded coatings (FGCs) and FGC structures — •Vera Petrova and Siegfried Schmauder
16:45 |
MM 33.5 |
Nonlinear elastic effect on interacting crack paths in PDMS films — •Loic Vanel, Osvanny Ramos, Thierry Biben, Stéphane Santucci, and Anthony Gravouil
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
MM 33.6 |
Modelling mechanochemical reactions in epoxy resins under tensile load using hybrid QM/MM/MD approaches — •Christian R. Wick, Mattia Livraghi, Sampannah Pahi, Bariscan Arican, David M. Smith, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
17:30 |
MM 33.7 |
Machine Learning of fracture in glasses — Francesc Font-Clos, Marco Zanchi, Stefan Hiemer, •Silvia Bonfanti, Roberto Guerra, Michael Zaiser, and Stefano Zapperi
17:45 |
MM 33.8 |
Using deep neural networks to bridge the gap between statistical fractographic analysis and fracture toughness prediction for polymers — •Guillaume de Luca, Mohammed Idri, and Laurent Ponson