SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 37: Topical Session: Defect Phases II
MM 37.1: Topical Talk
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 10:15–10:45, SCH A 216
Structural and chemical atomic complexity of lattice defects -- From defect phase diagrams to properties of intermetallics — Martina Freund, Xie Zhuocheng, Lukas Berners, Pei Ling Sun, Stefanie Sandlöbes-Haut, and •Sandra Korte-Kerzel — Institut für Metallkunde und Materialphysik, RWTH Aachen University
Two approaches in materials physics have proven immensely successful in alloy design: First, thermodynamic and kinetic descriptions for tailoring and processing alloys to achieve a desired microstructure. Second, crystal defect manipulation to control strength, formability and corrosion resistance. However, to date, the two concepts remain essentially decoupled. A bridge is needed between these powerful approaches to achieve a single conceptual framework. Considering defects and their thermodynamic state holistically as defect phases, provides a future materials design strategy by jointly treating the thermodynamic stability of both, the local crystalline structure and the distribution of elements at defects.
Here, we will report our work on intermetallics, which are complex already in their underlying crystal structure, to reveal active deformation mechanisms and their dependence on both structure and chemical composition.