SKM 2023 –
scientific programme
O 13: Focus Session: Ion Beam Interaction with Surfaces and 2D Materials II
Monday, March 27, 2023, 15:00–17:15, GER 38
15:00 |
O 13.1 |
Topical Talk:
Space weathering of planetary surfaces — •Peter Wurz
15:30 |
O 13.2 |
Quantifying the erosion of the lunar surface due to solar wind sputtering — •Johannes Brötzner, Herbert Biber, Noah Jäggi, Paul Stefan Szabo, Daniel Primetzhofer, André Galli, Peter Wurz, and Friedrich Aumayr
15:45 |
O 13.3 |
Sputtering from Sinusoidal Surfaces: Monte Carlo Simulations and Comparison to Analytical Results — •Gerhard Hobler and R Mark Bradley
16:00 |
O 13.4 |
MeV-SIMS: mass spectrometry with ultra-fast projectiles — •Lars Breuer, Tobias Heckhoff, David Theuner, Frieder Koch, and Andreas Wucher
16:15 |
O 13.5 |
A new material science target station for swift and highly charged ions at CRYRING@ESR — •Kevin Vomschee, Michael Wagner, Nils Ulrich, Frieder Koch, Sadra Kour, André Maas, Christina Trautmann, Marika Schleberger, and Lars Breuer
16:30 |
O 13.6 |
Compact Electron Beam Ion Source — •Daniel Thima, Matthias Werl, Gabriel Lukas Szabo, Paul-Friedmar Laux, Mike Schmidt, Günter Zschornack, and Richard Arthur Wilhelm
16:45 |
O 13.7 |
On the path to ion based pump-probe experiment: generating picosecond keV Ne+ ion pulses from a cooled supersonic gas beam — •Lukas Kalkhoff, Marika Schleberger, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, Andreas Wucher, Alexander Golombek, and Lars Breuer
17:00 |
O 13.8 |
Generation of pulsed ions using ultrafast electrons — Marius Constantin Chirita Mihaila, Gabriel Lukas Szabo, Alexander Sagar Grossek, and •Richard Arthur Wilhelm