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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 30: 2D Materials I: Electronic Structure
O 30.5: Vortrag
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 11:30–11:45, GER 37
Geometry-induced spin-filtering in photoemission maps from WTe2 surface states — Tristan Heider1, Gustav Bihlmayer2, Jakub Schusser3,4, Frierich Reinert4, Jan Minar3, Stefan Blügel2, Claus M. Schneider1, and •Lukasz Plucinski1 — 1PGI-6 Forschungszentrum Jülich — 2PGI-1 Forschungszentrum Jülich — 3University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic — 4Experimentelle Physik VII, Universität Würzburg
WTe2 is a semi-metallic quantum material that exhibits non-saturating magnetoresistance and potentially hosts Weyl type-II nodes [1]. Through laser-driven spin-polarized ARPES Fermi surface mapping, we demonstrate highly asymmetric spin textures of electrons photoemitted from the surface states of WTe2 [2]. Such asymmetries are not present in the initial state spin textures, which are bound by time-reversal and crystal lattice mirror plane symmetries. The findings are reproduced qualitatively by theoretical modeling within the one-step model photoemission formalism, and a simple toy-model suggests that a similar effect shall be observed in other materials with low symmetry. Our spin-polarized maps, with detail comparable to the previous spin-integrated maps [3], have been measured using the newly developed high-resolution instrument at PGI-6 in Jülich that is based on a hemispherical analyzer with the scanning lens, an exchange-scattering spin detector, and a cw 6 eV laser.
[1] P. K. Das et. al. Electron. Struct. 1, 014003 (2019) and refs. therein. [2] T. Heider et al., arXiv:2210.10870 (2022). [3] F. Y. Bruno et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 121112 (2016).