SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 37: Poster: Ultrafast Electron Dynamics at Surface and Interfaces II
O 37.12: Poster
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG
A narrow bandwidth extreme ultra-violet light source for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy — Qinda Guo1, Maciej Dendzik1, Antonija Grubišić-Čabo1, Magnus H. Berntsen1, Cong Li1, •Wanyu Chen1, Bharti Matta2, Ulrich Starke2, Björn Hessmo1, Jonas Weissenrieder1, and Oscar Tjernberg1 — 1Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 114 19 Stockholm, Sweden — 2Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstraße 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Here, we present a high repetition rate, narrow bandwidth, extreme ultraviolet photon source for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The narrow bandwidth pulses ΔE = 9, 14, and 18 meV for photon energies hν = 10.8, 18.1, and 25.3 eV are generated through high harmonic generation using ultra-violet drive pulses with relatively long pulse lengths (461 fs). The high harmonic generation setup employs an annular drive beam in tight focusing geometry at a repetition rate of 250 kHz. Photon energy selection is achieved by a spherical focusing grating, which provides high efficiency photon flux with only a small amount of focus size increase (~30%) and temporal broadening (6.8%). A two stage optical-parametric amplifier provides < 100 fs tunable pump pulses from 0.65 μm to 9 μm. Combined with a time-of-flight electron analyzer, the setup enables for high-resolution studies of ultrafast dynamics over the whole surface Brillouin zone in most quantum materials.