O 39: Poster Session: Heterogeneous Catalysis and Surface Dynamics
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG
18:00 |
O 39.1 |
SURMOF ZIF-67 Thin Films for Catalytic Water Oxidation Reaction — •Jimin Song, Alexei Nefedov, Stefan Heissler, Christof Wöll, and Yuemin Wang
18:00 |
O 39.2 |
SFG microscopy of ferroelectric domains in Barium Titanate — •Dorothee Mader, Daniel Lourens, Maarten Kwaaitaal, Richarda Niemann, Sören Wasserroth, Sandy Gewinner, Marco De Pas, Wieland Schöllkopf, Martin Wolf, Andrei Kirilyuk, Sebastian Maehrlein, and Alexander Paarmann
18:00 |
O 39.3 |
Investigating Heterogeneous Catalysts by Design of Experiments — •Christian Kunkel, Frederic Felsen, Sina Stocker, Christoph Scheurer, and Karsten Reuter
18:00 |
O 39.4 |
Operando sXRD study of copper-zinc-alumina (CZA) model systems under methanol synthesis conditions — •Erik Beck, Vedran Vonk, Heshmat Noei, and Andreas Stierle
18:00 |
O 39.5 |
Surface phase transitions in doped manganite thin films — •Leonard Schüler, Tim Titze, Stefan Mathias, Daniel Steil, and Vasily Moshnyaga
18:00 |
O 39.6 |
Laser pump X-ray probe investigations of the dynamics at the liquid-vapour interface of alkali halogenide salt solutions — •Lukas Petersdorf, Svenja Hövelmann, Rajendra Giri, Nicolas Hayen, Karin Hansen, Philipp Jordt, Andrea Sartori, Matthias Greve, Florian Bertram, Olaf Magnussen, and Bridget Murphy