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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 49: Plasmonics and Nanooptics I: Fabrication and Application
O 49.9: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 12:30–12:45, WIL A317
Sensing at the ultimate volume limit: Refractive index sensing in attoliter volumes using Mie voids — •Serkan Arslan1, Huong Tran1, Julian Karst1, Lida Shamsafar1, Thomas Weiss2, Harald Giessen1, and Mario Hentschel1 — 14th Physics Institute and Research Center SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany — 2Institute of Physics, University of Graz, and NAWI Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria
Traditional nanophotonic sensing schemes utilize dielectric or metallic nanoparticles, which confine far-field radiation in dispersive and lossy media. Apart from ill-defined sensing volumes and moderate sensitivities, these structures suffer from the generally limited access to the modal field, which is key for sensing performance. Recently, a novel strategy for dielectric nanophotonics has been demonstrated, namely, the resonant confinement of light in air. Voids created in high-index dielectric host materials support localized resonant modes with exceptional properties. In particular, due to the confinement in air, these structures benefit from the full access to the modal field inside the void. We utilize these so-called Mie voids for refractive index sensing on the single void level with unprecedented small sensing volumes in the range of 100 attoliter and sensitivities on the order of 500 nm per refractive index unit. Strikingly, the sensitivity as well as the scattering cross sections of the voids are large enough to even identify different analytes with bare eye in an optical microscope. The combination of our Mie void sensor platform with appropriate surface functionalization will even enable specificity to biological or other analytes of interest.