
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 49: Plasmonics and Nanooptics I: Fabrication and Application

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 10:30–12:45, WIL A317

10:30 O 49.1 Towards dynamic holograms with electrically switchable polymer metasurfaces: materials apsects — •Dominik Ludescher, Julian Karst, Mario Hentschel, and Harald Giessen
10:45 O 49.2 Sampling polar THz nearfields using nonpolar Stark-effect — •Moritz B. Heindl, Nicholas Kirkwood, Tobias Lauster, Markus Retsch, Paul Mulvaney, and Georg Herink
11:00 O 49.3 Double resonant, monocrystalline plasmonic gratings evolutionary optimized for enhanced SERS sensing — •Thorsten Feichtner, Katja Höflich, Enno Schatz, Amro Swedan, Paul Mörk, and Muhammad Bashouti
11:15 O 49.4 Topological insulating phase in non-Hermitian plasmonic waveguide arrays — •Helene Wetter, Stefan Linden, and Julian Schmitt
11:30 O 49.5 Plasmonics of Silica Encapsulated Au@Ag Nanoparticles — •Johannes Schultz, Felizitas Kirner, Pavel Potapov, Bernd Büchner, Axel Lubk, and Elena Sturm
11:45 O 49.6 Strain-driven thermal and optical instability in Ag/a-Si hyperbolic metamaterials — •Lea Forster, Jose L. Ocana-Pujol, Ralph Spolenak, and Henning Galinski
12:00 O 49.7 Optical grating couplers for the excitation of Bloch surface waves — •Sebastian Henn, Marius Grundmann, and Chris Sturm
12:15 O 49.8 Reconfigurable and polarization-dependent perfect absorber for large-area emissivity control based on the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2 — •Lukas Conrads, Natalie Honné, Andreas Ulm, Andreas Heßler, Matthias Wuttig, Robert Schmitt, and Thomas Taubner
12:30 O 49.9 Sensing at the ultimate volume limit: Refractive index sensing in attoliter volumes using Mie voids — •Serkan Arslan, Huong Tran, Julian Karst, Lida Shamsafar, Thomas Weiss, Harald Giessen, and Mario Hentschel
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