15:00 |
O 55.1 |
Bias-dependent conductivity switching and rectification in metallocene-based molecular junctions — Yangbiao Liu, Andika Asyuda, Heinrich Lang, Egbert Zojer, and •Michael Zharnikov
15:15 |
O 55.2 |
Sensing properties of cerium oxide as an electrode material for the detection of glucose — •Anastasiia Deineko, Viacheslav Kalinovych, Sascha L. Mehl, Yevheniia Lobko, Yurii Yakovlev, Tomáš Skála, Kevin C. Prince, Vladimír Matolín, Iva Matolínová, and Nataliya Tsud
15:30 |
O 55.3 |
Exploiting Cooperative Catalysis for the On-Surface Synthesis of Linear Heteroaromatic Polymers via Selective C-H Activation — Xunshan Liu, Adam Matej, Tim Kratky, Jesús I. Mendieta-Moreno, Sebastian Günther, Pingo Mutombo, Silvio Decurtins, Ulrich Aschauer, Jascha Repp, Pavel Jelinek, Shi-Xia Liu, and •Laerte L. Patera
15:45 |
O 55.4 |
PTCDA mediated Ag(111) step reconstruction as precursor to pinwheel phase — •Danyang Liu, Aleš Cahlík, Carolina A. Marques, Jens Oppliger, Ruslan Temirov, and Fabian D. Natterer
16:00 |
O 55.5 |
Growth of ordered two-dimensional cobalt phthalocyanine films on a one-dimensional substrate — •Milan Kubicki, Susi Lindner-Franz, Mario Dähne, and Martin Franz
16:15 |
O 55.6 |
Topical Talk:
Towards Understanding and Controlling On-Surface Reactions and Self-Assembly Mechanisms — •Daniel Ebeling
16:45 |
O 55.7 |
Molecular orientation of DHTAP on the nanostructured Cu-CuO stripe phase — •Claudia López-Posadas, Antony Thomas, Thomas Leoni, Olivier Siri, Conrad Becker, and Peter Zeppenfeld
17:00 |
O 55.8 |
Oxygen-induced reorientation of organometallic chains on Cu(110) — •Ilias Gazizullin, Christophe Nacci, and Leonhard Grill
17:15 |
O 55.9 |
Simulations of 1D Supramolecular Chains on Gold with Explicit Surface–Substrate Interactions — •Krystof Brezina, Hubert Beck, Mariana Rossi, and Ondrej Marsalek
17:30 |
O 55.10 |
Controlled Formation of Porous 2D Lattices from C3 Symmetric Ph6-Me-Tribenzotriquinacene-OAc3 — •Markus Leisegang, Sinem Toksabay, Andreas Christ, Patrick Härtl, Johannes Krebs, Todd B. Marder, Soumyajyoti Haldar, Stefan Heinze, Matthias Bode, and Anke Krueger