
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 58: Plasmonics and Nanooptics II: Light-Matter Interaction and Spectroscopy I

O 58.8: Talk

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 17:00–17:15, WIL A317

Directional leaky polaritons in anisotropic crystalsXiang Ni1, •Giulia Carini2, Weiliang Ma3, Enrico M. Renzi1, Emanuele Galiffi1, Sören T. Wasserroth2, Martin Wolf2, Peining Li3, Alexander Paarmann2, and Andrea Alù11CUNY, New York, USA — 2FHI, Berlin, Germany — 3HUST, Wuhan, China

For quite a few years now, natural hyperbolic materials have been attracting significant attention due to their ability of engaging strong interactions between light and their IR active phonon resonances. The hybridized light-matter quasiparticles arising in their bulk, known as hyperbolic phonon polaritons, display large momenta and highly directional propagation stemming from their open topology.

In our contribution, we demonstrate a new class of directional polaritons supported in the lower reststrahlen band of calcite, that feature lenticular isofrequency contours. These novel polaritons, dubbed Leaky Polaritons (LPs), arise in the type-I in-plane hyperbolic region as hybridized states between extraordinary surface-bound and ordinary propagating bulk modes. Despite their closed topology, they support highly directional, long-range, sub-diffractive propagation at the interface. Their dispersion curve also crosses the free-space light cone, providing radiative far-field coupling to both sides of the interface.

To observe the features of LPs experimentally, we employed polariton spectroscopy, far-field probing and near-field imaging, revealing their lenticular dispersion curve, their high directionality, their long lifetime and real-space propagation.

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