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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 63: Poster: Data Management
O 63.1: Poster
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG
SciCat - a meta data catalog and research data management system — •Linus Pithan1, Massimiliano Novelli2, Dylan McReynolds3, Laura Shemilt4, Carlo Minotti5, Anastasiia Pylypenko1, Alexander Gerlach1, Alexander Hinderhofer1, Stephan Egli5, Tobias Richter2, and Frank Schreiber1 — 1Uni Tübingen, DAPHNE (DE) — 2European Spallation Source (DK/SE) — 3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) (US) — 4The Rosalind Franklin Institute (UK) — 5Paul Scherrer Institut (CH)
SciCat is a modern and flexible data catalogue that facilitates research data management on multiple scales and thereby suits the needs of large scale research facilities, individual research groups (e.g. at universities) as well as scientific communities. SciCat [1] was initially built to serve Photon- and Neutron sources (in the beginning developed at PSI and ESS, later suppored by ExPaNDS & PaNOSC and further institutions). Through the engagement of DAPHNE4NFDI (DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments) in the SciCat project there are new use cases emerging especially - but not exclusively - for small scale installations. The use of an homogenized interface (API) to create and search datasets SciCat can e.g. also be used as infrastructure backbone for machine learning (ML) projects in communities by serving datasets for validation, testing and training of ML models. On this poster we aim to give an overview on specific use-cases of SciCat within DAPHNE, which may serve as blueprints to use SciCat also in other scientific communities.