SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 66: Poster: Scanning Probe Microscopy with Quartz Sensors
O 66.7: Poster
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG
AFM characterization of surface metal oxides with an O-terminated copper tip — •Philipp Wiesener, Bertram Schulze-Lammers, Harald Fuchs, and Harry Mönig — Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany
Previously we invastigated the performance of various tip terminations, namely Cu-, Xe-, CO-, and O-terminated Cu-tips (CuOx-tips), on the Cu(110)O(2x1) surface with non contact AFM. A direct comparison of the imaging and force-spectroscopy capabilities by these different tip terminations shows, that only for the CuOx-tip a significantly selective force interaction between metal and oxygen atoms can be observerd.
In this work we want to generalize the idea of chemical selective imaging by analyzing a broad spectrum of metal oxide systems with CuOx-tips. We perform constant height measurements over an extendend range of tip sample distances and analyze surfaces that posses varying relative heights of metal and oxygen atoms to probe possible effects on the chemical selectivity. For an additional contrast analysis we investigate various defects of the metal oxide surfaces and complement our site-selective microscopy with force-spectroscopy measuerements on the observerd metal and oxygen atoms.
The performed measurements can be seen as a first step of developing CuOx-tip AFM imaging as an efficient tool for the surface characterization of metal oxide materials. Subsequently, we want to extend our methodology to more complex surface- and bulk metal oxide systems and relate them with complementary DFT calulations and AFM simulations.