SKM 2023 –
scientific programme
O 70: Poster: Plasmonics and Nanooptics II
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 18:00–20:00, P2/EG
18:00 |
O 70.1 |
Phase correction and stability of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer for 2D electronic spectroscopy — •Simon Durst, Sanchayeeta Jana, Christoph Schnupfhagn, and Markus Lippitz
18:00 |
O 70.2 |
In-Situ TEM Study of Structural and Optical Changes by Laser-Induced Grain-Growth — •Jakob Hagen, Murat Sivis, and Claus Ropers
18:00 |
O 70.3 |
Gold nanoparticles as scannable plasmonic light source for STM enabled electroluminescence — •Cinja S. Müller, Berk Zengin, Aleš Cahlík, and Fabian D. Natterer
18:00 |
O 70.4 |
Neuromorphic plasmonic computing - Surface plasmon polariton neurons — •Mario F. Pfeiffer, Tobias Eul, Eva Prinz, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:00 |
O 70.5 |
Optical writing of switchable mid-infrared surface phonon polariton resonators with the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2 — •Luis Schüler, Lukas Conrads, Konstantin Georg Wirth, Matthias Wuttig, and Thomas Taubner
18:00 |
O 70.6 |
Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation from Silver Nanoantennas — •Fabian Scheidler, Johanna Klos, Jessica Meier, Luka Zurak, and Bert Hecht
18:00 |
O 70.7 |
A room temperature tunable scanning fiber Fabry-Pérot cavity microscope — •Lars Denzer, Paul Steinmann, and Stefan Linden
18:00 |
O 70.8 |
Near-field scanning optical microscopy of topologically protected excitons in molecular aggregates — Sidhartha Nayak, Christopher W. Wächtler, and •Alexander Eisfeld
18:00 |
O 70.9 |
Nanoantenna Conjugated Graphene Photodetectors — •Abhinav Raina, Mo Lu, Max Reimer, Vasilii Osipov, Klaus Meerholz, and Klas Lindfors
18:00 |
O 70.10 |
Fabrication of STM+AFM+TERS tips — •Petr Kahan, Jiří Doležal, Amandeep Sagwal, Rodrigo Ferreira, and Martin Švec