
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 76: Plasmonics and Nanooptics III: Light-Matter Interaction and Spectroscopy II

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 10:30–12:45, WIL A317

10:30 O 76.1 Continuous-wave multiphoton-induced electron transfer in a biased tunnel junction driven by intense plasmonic fieldsChenfang Lin, •Melanie Müller, Faruk Krecinic, Hiroko Yoshino, Adnan Hammud, Anlian Pan, Martin Wolf, and Takashi Kumagai
10:45 O 76.2 Atomically resolved optical spectroscopy and microscopy in a scanning-tunneling microscope: Theory and experiment — •Tomas Neuman, Anna Roslawska, Benjamin Doppagne, Andrei G. Borissov, Michelangelo Romeo, Fabrice Scheurer, Javier Aizpurua, and Guillaume Schull
11:00 O 76.3 Modeling of molecular systems probed by near-field spectroscopy — •Sofia Canola, Jiří Doležal, Rodrigo Ferreira, and Martin Švec
11:15 O 76.4 Plasmon-Induced Molecular Switching of PTCDA on Si(111) Studied by STM-TERS — •Youngwook Park, Adnan Hammud, Martin Wolf, Takashi Kumagai, and Akitoshi Shiotari
11:30 O 76.5 Photoluminescence mapping of an anionic molecule — •Jiří Doležal, Rodrigo Ferreira, Amandeep Sagwal, Petr Kahan, and Martin Švec
11:45 O 76.6 A Setup for Fluorescence-Detected Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Single Molecules — •Sanchayeeta Jana, Simon Durst, Lucas Ludwig, and Markus Lippitz
12:00 O 76.7 Luminescence from Cu2O films and bulk crystals in the STMAlexander Gloystein, Mina Soltanmohammadi, and •Niklas Nilius
12:15 O 76.8 Hot-carrier transfer across a nanoparticle-molecule junction: The importance of orbital hybridization and level alignment — •Jakub Fojt, Tuomas Rossi, Mikael Kuisma, and Paul Erhart
12:30 O 76.9 Disentangling the Orientations of Spectrally Overlapping Transition Dipoles in Dense Dye Layers — •Christoph Schnupfhagn, Thorsten Schumacher, Paul Markus, Georg Papastavrou, Olha Aftenieva, Tobias A. F. König, Volodymyr Dudko, Marian Matejdes, Josef Breu, and Markus Lippitz
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