O 77: Scanning Probe Techniques: Method Development II
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 10:30–12:45, REC C 213
10:30 |
O 77.1 |
How cold is the junction of a millikelvin scanning tunnelling microscope? — Taner Esat, Xiaosheng Yang, Farhad Mustafayev, Helmut Soltner, Stefan Tautz, and •Ruslan Temirov
10:45 |
O 77.2 |
Ultrahigh Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with z Resolution of 2 pm at 1.3 K using Combined Pulse Tube and Joule-Thomson Cooling — •Marcus Esser, Marc Frömming, Marco Pratzer, Michael Krzyzowski, and Markus Morgenstern
11:00 |
O 77.3 |
Development of a closed-cycle dilution refrigerator scanning tunneling microscope — •Mate Stark, Daria Sostina, Wantong Huang, Paul Greule, Christoph Sürgers, Philip Willke, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
11:15 |
O 77.4 |
Machine learning: radical technique or plus ça change? The case for automated scanning probe microscopy — •Dylan Barker, Adam Sweetman, and Phil Blowey
11:30 |
O 77.5 |
Artificial Intelligence finds the optimal STM manipulation parameters of unknown molecules — •Bernhard Ramsauer, Grant J. Simpson, Leonhard Grill, and Oliver T. Hofmann
11:45 |
O 77.6 |
Field-emission resonances at exceptional large voltages: Consequences for determining work functions — •Anika Schlenhoff, Gerassimos C. Kokkorakis, and John P. Xanthakis
12:00 |
O 77.7 |
Phase compensation for ultrafast dynamic measurements of atomic spins — •Nicolaj Betz, Max Hänze, Gregory McMurtrie, Susanne Baumann, and Sebastian Loth
12:15 |
O 77.8 |
Simultaneous Measurement of Quasiparticle Interference and Decay Length Using Parallel Spectroscopy with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope — •Berk Zengin, Danyang Liu, Aleš Cahlík, Kevin Hauser, and Fabian D. Natterer
12:30 |
O 77.9 |
Unveiling interference of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states with novel multi-functionalized STM probe — •Artem Odobesko, Felix Friedrich, and Mathias Bode