O 83: Focus Session: Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanostructures II
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 15:00–17:30, GER 38
15:00 |
O 83.1 |
Topical Talk:
Imaging ultrafast electron dynamics in isolated nanoparticles — •Daniela Rupp
15:30 |
O 83.2 |
Sub-picosend Elastic Response of a supported Pd Nanoparticle Ensemble studied by Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction — Simon Chung, Thorben Eggert, •Vedran Vonk, Nastasia Mukharamova, Sebastian Matera, Roman Shayduk, Johannes Moeller, Nils Schewe, Eric Sauter, Christoph Schreuer, Anders Madsen, Karsten Reuter, and Andreas Stierle
15:45 |
O 83.3 |
Description of High Garmonic Generation in Quantum Dots using a Tight-Binding approach — •Martin Thümmler, Alexander Croy, Stefanie Gräfe, and Ulf Peschel
16:00 |
O 83.4 |
Imaging of femtosecond spin dynamics at the nanoscale — •Sergey Zayko, Hung-Tzu Chang, Ofer Kfir, Timo Schmidt, Jakob Hagen, Michael Heigl, Murat Sivis, Manfred Albrecht, and Claus Ropers
16:15 |
O 83.5 |
Topical Talk:
Ultrafast coherent manipulation of free electrons via quantum interaction with shaped optical fields — •Giovanni Maria Vanacore
16:45 |
O 83.6 |
Structural Dynamics in Nanostructured Systems Probed by Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy — •Nora Bach, Armin Feist, Marcel Möller, Claus Ropers, and Sascha Schäfer
17:00 |
O 83.7 |
Controlling and shaping the electron recoil and energy transfer via nearfield geometry — •Fatemeh Chahshouri and Nahid Talebi
17:15 |
O 83.8 |
Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material — •Till Domröse, Thomas Danz, Sophie F. Schaible, Kai Rossnagel, Sergey V. Yalunin, and Claus Ropers