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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 84: Focus Session: Making Experimental Data F.A.I.R. – New Concepts for Research Data Management I (joint session O/TT)
O 84.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 16:15–16:30, WIL A317
Electronic Laboratory Notebooks for FAIR Data Management; Evaluation and Recommendations for Solutions at Research Infrastructures — •Philipp Jordt1, Wiebke Lohstroh2, and Bridget Murphy1 — 1IEAP, Kiel University, Germany — 2MLZ, Technische Universität München, Germany
Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN) are the digital counterpart to the classical handwritten paper notebook and play a vital role in the implementation of FAIR data standards. Modern ELN solutions range from simple note taking applications to integrated tools, combining documentation, inventory management, progress tracking and more. Nowadays, ELNs are becoming more prominent in research laboratories around the world, replacing paper notebooks. This evaluation of basic needs was carried out in the context of the DAPHNE4NFDI consortia. Of special interest is the view on ELNs for combined use at large scale facilities and in the home laboratory. Thus, the requirements regarding implementation, deployment, authentication, etc., may differ from those for single or laboratory use at universities. An overview of different concepts and existing solutions is given. Multiple ELNs have been evaluated during test runs at large scale facilities and a survey on existing solutions was held. From these results, a list of ELN specifications is presented, ranging from useful to necessary. These insights may serve as a guideline for evaluating or implementing ELNs in the future.