SKM 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 85: Electronic Structure of Surfaces II
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 15:00–17:45, REC C 213
15:00 |
O 85.1 |
Electronic structure of transition metal oxide surfaces from coincident electron spectroscopy — •Danilo Kühn, Swarnshikha Sinha, Artur Born, Fredrik O. L. Johansson, Ruslan Ovsyannikov, Nils Mårtensson, and Alexander Föhlisch
15:15 |
O 85.2 |
Black Phosphorus and the Free-Electron Final-State Assumption in Photoemission Spectroscopy — •Charlotte Sanders, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, and Irene Aguilera
15:30 |
O 85.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:45 |
O 85.4 |
Ultra-thin Noble Metal Films on Superconductors — •Christian von Bredow, Philip Beck, Lucas Schneider, Jens Wiebe, and Roland Wiesendanger
16:00 |
O 85.5 |
Double Photoemission Spectroscopy of C60 on SrTiO3(001) with Laser VUV radiation — •Kathrin Plass, Robin Kamrla, Frank O. Schumann, and Wolf Widdra
16:15 |
O 85.6 |
Electronic structure at the "interface" of spin-orbit and exchange interaction: Ultrathin ferromagnetic films on W(110) — •Pascal Jona Grenz, Peter Krüger, Marcel Holtmann, Koji Miyamoto, Shiv Kumar, Taichi Okuda, and Markus Donath
16:30 |
O 85.7 |
Circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission from core-level emission of W(110) — •Trung Phuc Vo, Olena Tkach, Katerina Medjanik, Olena Fedchenko, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Gerd Schönhense, and Ján Minár
16:45 |
O 85.8 |
Automatic Quantification of Transitional Metal X-ray Photoelectron Spectra using Convolutional Neural Networks — •Lukas Pielsticker, Walid Hetaba, and Mark Greiner
17:00 |
O 85.9 |
Revisiting the Strongly Correlated Si-terminated 3C-SiC(100)-p(2×1) Surface with Density- and Wave Function-Based Methods — •Niklas Thoben and Thorsten Klüner
17:15 |
O 85.10 |
Coulomb potential truncation in hybrid calculations — •Kristians Kacars and Andris Gulans
17:30 |
O 85.11 |
Ultra-fast machine learning potentials for hydrogen under pressure — •Thomas Bischoff, Bastian Jäckl, and Matthias Rupp