SKM 2023 –
scientific programme
O 87: Focus Session: Scanning Probe Microscopy with Quartz Sensors III
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 15:00–17:30, TRE Ma
15:00 |
O 87.1 |
Topical Talk:
Quartz-sensor detection for single-electron tunneling spectroscopy — •Jascha Repp
15:30 |
O 87.2 |
molecular diffusion studied by multidimensional cantilever-based UHV AFM — •Zuned Ahmed, Hao Liu, Manfred Parschau, and Hans Josef Hug
15:45 |
O 87.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:00 |
O 87.4 |
Machine learning for high-resolution AFM image interpretation — •Niko Oinonen, Lauri Kurki, Chen Xu, Shuning Cai, Markus Aapro, Alexander Ilin, Peter Liljeroth, and Adam Foster
16:15 |
O 87.5 |
Topical Talk:
Application of atomic force microscopy with quartz sensors to quantum states in graphene and related twisted heterostructures — •Joseph Stroscio
16:45 |
O 87.6 |
On the origin and elimination of cross coupling between excitation and tunneling current in scanning probe experiments that utilize the qPlus sensor — •Michael Schelchshorn
17:00 |
O 87.7 |
Fe adsorbates and their effect on the surfaces of topological insulators TlBiSe2 and Bi2Se3 — •Adrian Weindl, Christoph Setescak, Emma Grasser, Alexander Liebig, and Franz J. Giessibl
17:15 |
O 87.8 |
The (2x1) reconstruction of calcite(104) — Jonas Heggemann, Yashasvi Ranawat, Ondřej Krejčí, Adam S. Foster, and •Philipp Rahe