SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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PSV: Plenary Special Talks
PSV X: Discussion
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 13:15–13:45, HSZ 03
NFDI and FAIR research data: benefit or burden? — Laurenz Rettig1, Heiko B. Weber2, and •Martin Aeschlimann3 — 1Fritz Haber Institute of the MPG, Berlin, Germany — 2Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen, Germany — 3TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Big data is becoming an ever more important resource for future research, especially for data-driven research fields and artificial intelligence. This is certainly also true for research data in solid state physics, which, however, are so far neither homogeneously structured nor openly accessible. The necessary requirements have been cast into the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles, which provide a guideline for suitable data infrastructures. Given the growing demand from society, policymakers, and research funding agencies for open access to research data as well as metadata, researchers face a variety of questions and challenges:
How does the requirement for FAIR data influence daily laboratory routines? What reservations, what (e.g. legal) limitations do exist, and what is the meaning of FAIR, if corresponding (meta-) data standards or their documentation are (still) lacking? Are researchers willing and able to share data? These topics are at the focus of this discussion forum with invited speakers from research and funding agencies, followed by a dialogue with the audience.