SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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SYOF: Symposium Dynamics of Opinion Formation – From Quorum Sensing to Polarization
SYOF 1: Dynamics of Opinion Formation – From Quorum Sensing to Polarization
SYOF 1.5: Invited Talk
Monday, March 27, 2023, 11:45–12:15, HSZ 01
Extreme switches in kinetic exchange models of opinion. — •Parongama Sen1 and Kathakali Biswas2 — 1Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, 92 APC Road, Kolkata 700009, India — 2Department of Physics, Victoria Institution, 78B APC Road, Kolkata 700009, India
We consider a kinetic exchange opinion formation model, where the opinions can take three discrete values represented by ± 1,0. Such states may represent the support for two candidates/parties and a neutral opinion or three different ideologies where ± 1 correspond to radically different ones. We take a finite probability to switch from +1 to -1 and vice versa, which is usually not considered in similar models studied earlier. Except for initially completely disordered states, consensus states are reached for this model in general. Subsequently, a noise is incorporated by making the interactions both positive and negative. An order-disorder phase transition is obtained for this two parameter model. We discuss the critical properties and dynamical behaviour of the model in a mean field approach where results can be obtained analytically. Although the effect of the negative interactions is stronger, the extreme switches alone determine the nature of the disordered phase. As the extreme switches are allowed with larger probability, the system tends to a polarisation. For the maximum possible extreme switch, the system becomes identical to a two state voter model after a transient time.