SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 18: Nano- and Optomechanics
TT 18.3: Talk
Monday, March 27, 2023, 17:45–18:00, HSZ 201
Nanowire deflection detection based on a coupled mechanical oscillator — Maneesha Sharma, Aniruddha Satyadharma Prasad, Norbert H. Freitag, Bernd Büchner, and •Thomas Mühl — Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany
The field of nanowire (NW) technology represents an exciting and steadily growing research area with applications in ultra-sensitive mass and force sensing. Existing detection methods for NW deflection and oscillation include optical and field emission approaches. However, they are challenging for detecting small diameter NWs because of heating produced by the laser beam and the impact of the high electric field. Alternatively, the deflection of a NW can be detected indirectly by co-resonantly coupling the NW to a cantilever and measuring it using a scanning probe microscope. Here, we prove experimentally that co-resonantly coupled devices are sensitive to small force derivatives in a similar way as standalone NWs do. We detect force derivatives as small as 10-9 N/m with a bandwidth of 1 Hz at room temperature. The detection technique presented in this work verifies a major step in boosting NW-based force and mass sensing.