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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 3: Superconductivity: Properties and Electronic Structure
TT 3.8: Vortrag
Montag, 27. März 2023, 11:30–11:45, HSZ 103
Emergence of incipient superconductivity in CrB2 under anisotropic strain — Alexander Regnat1, •André Deyerling1, Christoph Resch1, Jan Spallek1, Alfonso Chacon1, Philipp G. Niklowitz1,2, Andreas Bauer1, Marc A. Wilde1, and Christian Pfleiderer1 — 1Physik-Department, Technical University of Munich, D-85748 Garching, Germany — 2Department of Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham TW20 0EX, UK
Resistivity studies of the hexagonal C32 diborides MoB2[1], WB2[2], and CrB2[3,4] under ultra-high pressures of the order 100 GPa have recently revealed superconducting transitions, where the precise pressure conditions are unknown. We report a study of the electrical resistivity of the itinerant-electron antiferromagnet CrB2 [5,6] under uniaxial, hydrostatic, and quasi-hydrostatic pressures up to 0.5 GPa, 2.2 GPa and 8 GPa, respectively. Tracking the magnetic transition temperature and the onset of incipient superconductivity we derive a phase diagram as a function of the ratio of lattice constants c/a. Supported by detailed electronic structure calculations, we suggest that the reduction of lattice constant c controls the suppression of magnetic order and concomitant emergence of superconductivity in CrB2.
[1] C. Pei et al., arXiv:2105.13250 (2021)
[2] J. Lim et al., arXiv:2109.11521 (2021)
[3] C. Pei et al., arXiv:2109.15213 (2021)
[4] S. Biswas et al. arXiv:2211.01054 (2022)
[5] M. Brasse et al., PRB 88, 155138 (2013)
[6] A. Bauer et al., PRB 90, 064414 (2014)