SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 33: Many-Body Quantum Dynamics (joint session DY/TT)
TT 33.10: Talk
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 12:15–12:30, MOL 213
Arrow of time concept based on properties of Lanczos coefficients — •Christian Bartsch, Mats H. Lamann, Robin Heveling, Lars Knipschild, Jiaozi Wang, Robin Steinigeweg, and Jochen Gemmer — Fachbereich Physik, Universität Osnabrück, Barbarastraße 7, DE-49076 Osnabrück
We introduce an arrow of time concept based on a specifically defined class of arrow of time functions (ATF) consisting of a limited number of Krylov space generating observables. These ATF'S are found to be essentially monotonously decaying in time which is measured by some quantifying parameter. The ATF's are constructed to be upper bounds for pertinent autocorrelation functions. Employing certain features of the Lanczos coefficients and the wave package-like excitation moving on the Krylov chain, we find reasonable agreement with corresponding numerics.