SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 35: Focus Session: Correlations in Moiré Quantum Matter I
TT 35.2: Invited Talk
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 15:30–16:00, HSZ 03
The Quantum Twisting Microscope — •Shahal Ilani — Weizmann Institute
In this talk I will present a fundamentally new type of scanning probe microscope, the Quantum Twisting Microscope (QTM), capable of performing local quantum interference measurements at a twistable interface between two quantum materials. Its working principle is based on a unique tip, made of an atomically-thin two-dimensional material. This tip allows electrons to coherently tunnel into a sample at many locations at once, with quantum interference between these tunneling events, making it a scanning electronic interferometer. With an extra twist degree of freedom, our microscope becomes a momentum-resolving local probe, providing powerful new ways to study the energy dispersions of interacting electrons. I will present various experiments performed with this microscope, demonstrating quantum interference at room temperature, probing the conductance of in-situ twisting interfaces, and imaging local energy dispersions in a variety of quantum materials.