
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 35: Focus Session: Correlations in Moiré Quantum Matter I

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 15:00–18:15, HSZ 03

Topological quantum phenomena and breakthroughs in time-resolved spectroscopy pose new challenges for many-body theory: Spatio-temporal electronic correlations often strongly impact topological and dynamical material properties but at the same time hinder an unambiguous interpretation of experiments, let alone a reliable quantitative prediction of material properties. Moiré quantum matter, i.e. systems where fundamental electronic properties and correlation phenomena emerge beyond the atomic scale exemplify these challenges. This Focus Session brings together the most recent developments in the field.

Organizers: Roser Valentí (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) and Tim Wehling (Universität Hamburg)

15:00 TT 35.1 Invited Talk: Strongly correlated excitons in atomic double layers — •Phuong Nguyen, Liguo Ma, Raghav Chaturvedi, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Kin Fai Mak, and Jie Shan
15:30 TT 35.2 Invited Talk: The Quantum Twisting Microscope — •Shahal Ilani
16:00 TT 35.3 Invited Talk: Light-driven phenomena in two-dimensional and correlated quantum materials — •Angel Rubio
  16:30 15 min. break
16:45 TT 35.4 Invited Talk: Cascade of transitions in twisted and non-twisted graphene layers within the van Hove scenario — •Laura Classen, Dmitry Chichinadze, Yuxuan Wang, and Andrey Chubukov
17:15 TT 35.5 Invited Talk: Topology and strong correlation: From twisted bilayer graphene to the boundary zeros of Mott insulators — •Giorgio Sangiovanni, Niklas Wagner, Gautam Rai, Lorenzo Crippa, Tim Wehling, and Roser Valentí
17:45 TT 35.6 Transport and electron correlations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: A dynamical mean field theory study — •Gautam Rai, Lorenzo Crippa, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Roser Valenti, and Tim Wehling
18:00 TT 35.7 Moiré minibands of twisted MoS2 heterostructures — •Chithra H. Sharma, Marta Prada, Jan-Hendrick Schmidt, Lars Tiemann, Tobias Stauber, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Robert Zierold, Kai Rossnagel, and Robert H. Blick
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