
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 4: f-Electron Systems and Heavy Fermions I

TT 4.2: Talk

Monday, March 27, 2023, 09:45–10:00, HSZ 201

Kondo screening and coherence on the Kagome lattice: Energy scales of the Kondo effect in the presence of flat bands — •Christos Kourris and Matthias Vojta — Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

The formation of a heavy Fermi liquid in metals with local moments is characterized by multiple energy and temperature scales, most prominently the Kondo temperature and the coherence temperature, characterizing the onset of Kondo screening and the emergence of Fermi-liquid coherence, respectively. In the standard setting of a wide conduction band, both scales depend exponentially on the Kondo coupling. Here we discuss how the presence of flat, i.e., dispersionless, conduction bands modifies this situation. The Kagome Kondo-lattice model, due to its rich band structure, leads to a plethora of non-conventional Kondo behaviour emerging at different fillings. We utilize a parton mean-field approach to determine both the Kondo temperature and the coherence temperature as function of the conduction-band filling nc, both numerically and analytically. For nc values corresponding to the flat conduction band, we show that the exponential is replaced by linear and quadratic dependences for the Kondo and coherence temperature respectively, while a cubic power law emerges in the coherence temperature at nc corresponding to the band edge between the flat and dispersive bands. We discuss implications of our results for pertinent experimental data.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SKM